After leaving Red Bay, we shot across I-10 and ended up in Galveston. "Shot" being a relative term as we took three days to get there. On the afternoon of the second day we met up with a friend (Lane) that we met at the Tampa RV Show a couple years back. He and his wife live in Louisiana near Lafayette. We have corresponded frequently via email and Facebook but our paths and events have conspired against us meeting up face to face. This time however, fate smiled on us and we met at a little restaurant just off of I-10 called Acme Taco. Lane has been to this spot many times (probably too many recently). They serve a unique spin on Margaritas and Tacos. I had a lobster enchilada and Barb ordered a strawberry margarita that had basil in it and was brownish in color. Sounds questionable but turns out that it was really tasty! For desert we had fresh made chocolate chip cookies covered in ice cream and chocolate sauce. This coupled with a lot of catching up conversation made for a great time! All too soon we had to get back on the road.

As we drove through Galveston on our way to our RV Park in Jamaica Beach we followed the rig pictured above. We had to laugh at the spare tire cover. Where was that when I owned a Jeep?
Our site from the driveway. |
A short drive down Seawall Blvd. and we arrived at the Jamaica Beach RV Park. This is the largest RV park on the island. It is staffed by Ron and Dora who are friendly and outgoing hosts and our site is such that we have a nice view of the Gulf out our front window.
The View from our front window. |
The park has a small lagoon in the middle and a pirate themed miniature golf course near the office.
At the entrance of the mini golf course. |
When we arrived it was unseasonably cold, rainy, and windy! We made a quick trip up to Kansas for Christmas and headed back after New Years day. It was still cold, rainy, and windy! By the end of the first week in January we were beginning to question our decision to come here. It was looking like we would have to go about as far as the equator to get warm sunny weather!! Finally however, the weather broke. It got warm and sunny and the wind died down. We could open up the motorhome and enjoy what we expected to find here. Misty was beginning to wonder about the crummy weather and lack of a sunbeam to nap in. Once it warmed up she was a happy camper. Couldn't resist taking the picture below.
Finally Warm!!! |
Moody Gardens |
After enjoying long walks on the beach we visited some of the local tourist attractions. Moody Gardens has a great Rain Forest and Aquarium both of which are housed beneath their own huge glass pyramid. It was a relaxing and interesting day.
We also went to the cruise ship terminal area and visited the Ocean Star Museum. The Ocean Star is a retired jackup drilling rig that offers hands on ways to learn about the offshore oil and gas industry. You can view the specialized oilfield equipment and learn about what it takes to drill offshore and how the oil gets from the rig to the refinery. You also learn about the folks who do this job. Scale models of platforms (there are several types depending on the well location and depth), actual drill bits, diving equipment, and other exhibits explain drilling, geology, seismic and oil production.
The outside of the Museum. |
After taking a boat trip to a platform, the worker is hoisted aboard using this sling. |
This is a dive suit! |
The above pictured dive suit allows a diver to work at depths up to 2,300 feet and not have to decompress upon surfacing!! As a certified recreational diver myself, I am only certified to go 120 feet deep and would have to make a 10-20 minute safety stop to decompress as I rose to the surface. I can't imagine what it would be like working at those depths.
A model showing how the rig would be placed on the bottom of the ocean. |
We are packing up and getting ready to take advantage of a service that is offered by our RV Park. They will shuttle us to the cruise ship terminal in Galveston free of charge. So we are planning a 7-day Caribbean cruise that leaves this Saturday. We have already visited the ports of call before, but we'll still have a good time.