Wildwood Bayou 2016

Wildwood Bayou 2016

Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Southern Tradition

     Haven't had much to relate lately. Just been enjoying the warm weather and relaxing.

     We have had some fun times at Bella Terra lately. Last week, we had the first annual Talent show. This is where guests and staff showcased their hidden talents. There were those who sang, played instruments, recited poetry and much more. I spared everyone there serious pain and suffering by NOT doing anything but sitting in the audience.

     We had a special treat last Friday. William Florian stopped by to perform for the guests. William was the lead singer for the New Christy Minstrels in the mid 1970's. He sang and played guitar to a number of their hits and sang several ballads popular in the 1960's and 70's. I had the opportunity to take him to the Pensacola airport and enjoyed talking to him and sharing stories.

     Today, a group of the residents put together a Southern Boil. They went down to the docks and bought a bunch of shrimp, crawfish, and oysters fresh from the boat. They then brought all of that seafood to the Resort and boiled it up with fresh potatoes, corn, mushrooms, garlic and a variety of spices. The shrimp and crawfish were whole and unpeeled. You had to peel and eat your way through dinner. By time I got finished, my hands were dripping and the juices were running down my arms. It was a great dinner and a good time with our new friends.

     Sadly, our time here is nearing an end. In a little over a month, we will be packing up and moving on to our next adventure. A side trip to Tampa for a little work on the coach and then on to Kansas for our summer workamping job.

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