Wildwood Bayou 2016

Wildwood Bayou 2016

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Getting Into a Routine

     Just a quick post. There is an unbelievable amount of grassy area in this park!! I have spent a lot of time on the mower and just recently finished both of the parks. Now it's time to do it again to get ready for Memorial Day weekend. I finally got some transportation. A former Army vehicle that pre-dates the Hummer. It has been modified with a large flat bed so I can carry around the stuff that I need to do tasks to keep things looking "spiffy" Its diesel engine is quite noisy, which means that campers know well in advance when I'm making my rounds.

     So far, I've made a few small repairs on things but have had to call out help with a break in our main water line to this campground. It broke the other day and we had to shut off the water until it could be fixed the next day. Made things a bit tough for folks, as it is the only water between both parks and many use our shower facilities. But it is up and going now and ready for the summer. I asked for, and got, a flagpole for the park. It was put up last week and now we proudly fly the flags! We have to take them down every evening because we don't have a light installed yet, but that is in the plans.

     Speaking of summer, the forecast for this coming weekend is 99-100 degrees all weekend!!! It's far too early for it to be this hot. Can't wait to see what it will be like in July...NOT!  Misty even got a haircut today to help her cope with the heat... (but she still likes to lay in the sun, go figure???)

     The rest of the coming week will be spent on sprucing up the parks and making them their best for the camping public for the holiday weekend. After that, we will settle into more of a routine and spread out the chores into something more manageable and less hectic. With little to no rain and temps near the century mark, mowing should not be much of an issue.

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