Wildwood Bayou 2016

Wildwood Bayou 2016

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Touring the Mediterranean.

     Well, its been a while since my last posting (and we've been pretty busy)! After visiting friends and family we took off on a Mediterranean adventure. We flew to Rome and spent three days just wandering around the city. From there, we hopped a train to the cruise port of Rome (in a town called Civitaveccia) and boarded the Celebrity Equinox for a ten day cruise. Destinations included Messina, Sicily, several stops in Greece, Kusadasi in Turkey, Naples, then back to Civitaveccia. Along the way we saw some amazing sights both from modern days and ancient times. Barb took a little over 1,000 photos, so it may be a while before I can get some of them published for public viewing. I kept a short journal during our visit, and that will become several blog entries but will have to wait for me to go through the photos to find just the right ones. In the meantime, I will publish a few teasers...

     Above you see the Coliseum in Rome just as the sun was setting. I really liked this picture.

     This was a shot of me earlier in the day while we were wandering around. Not bad considering I have just been on an airplane for 18 hours, getting settled in our B&B, and then wandering around the streets of Rome for another 2!                                                                     

     Here is a good shot of the Parthenon on the Acropolis in Athens.

     Just to show we were there.

     This is the ancient library in Ephesus in Turkey.

     Part of the largest walled Medieval city in Europe in Rhodes, Greece.

     The breathtaking view from Santorini, Greece.

     These are just a few of the great shots that Barb took documenting our trip. Hope you enjoy them!

1 comment:

  1. Loved the pics. can't wait to hear and see more. are you workcamping this winter?
