Wildwood Bayou 2016

Wildwood Bayou 2016

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

In and Around Reykjavik

     Stayed in town today. Visited the Settlement Museum and the National Museum of Iceland. First one was a good example of first settlers in Iceland. Actual dig site covered and surrounded by multi media facts and history. 

Second museum had artifacts from Iceland's history from 800 to present. Pagan from 800-1000. Then Christian. Catholic until Reformation then mostly Lutheran. Settlers mostly Norwegian but some from Hebredes, Ireland, Scotland. Danish control until late 1800's then independent movement to be a separate country.The Icelandic language is nearly pure ancient Norwegian. Not as much impact from other languages. Isolation helped it to remain pure. When you see or hear it, it has elements of modern Norwegian, German, and Danish. 

Icelandic book from the early 1100's

More artifacts

     Walked to large modern church, Hallgrimskirkja. It is an imposing concrete structure that took 40 years to build. It sits on top of a hill and is the tallest point in town. The statue out front is of Leifur Eiricksson (Leif Erickson) and was given to the people of Iceland by the United States to commemorate the 1,000th anniversary of the founding of Iceland's parliament. It was also a tacit acknowledgement that Leif beat Christopher Columbus to North America by about 500 years. The elevator to top of steeple gave great overviews of Reykjavik. 

Inside the Church
Looking out of the Clock at the top
The view from the top

Went to Cafe Loki and Geoff ate the (nasty) fermented shark. This breed of shark has no kidneys so the waste water seeps through the skin. If you were to eat the shark fresh from a catch it, would kill you as the ammonia levels are so high. It is prepared by burying it in the ground for six weeks, then hanging it out to dry for another six months. Then it is sliced up in chunks and sold. The folks at Loki said the tourists either love it or hate it. We fell into the latter category! Even Geoff wasn't too impressed with the taste. Brad had lamb meat soup. Brenda had to leave the table the smell was so bad! 

Geoff with the shark sampler
     Ate hot dogs from a vendor labeled as the best hotdogs in the world and the busiest restaurant in Iceland. It was an OK dog but the locals seem to think it is to die for.  Kebabs for our evening meal.

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