Wildwood Bayou 2016

Wildwood Bayou 2016

Friday, October 2, 2015

A Note of Explanation

     OK, time to fess up. I haven't been very faithful in posting. In fact, this blog entry is being written in February 2016 when I haven't posted things we did in Sept-Oct 2015!!! With the advent of social media (i.e. Facebook) we (Barb and I) share things as they actually happen to us. Those who follow us on such know right away and get to live the moment with us. Consequently, entries to the Blog seem, to me at least, tedious and redundant at best. I know that there are some who are not fans of Facebook and the only way you can keep up with our travels is via email or this Blog so I continue to post. (Albeit it takes me "forever" to motivate myself to do so.) A lot of things have happened from Sept 2015 - February 2016 and I will try to get the Blog caught up.

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