Wildwood Bayou 2016

Wildwood Bayou 2016

Friday, July 21, 2017

It's Cherry Time

     Above is the view from Ellison Bluff. This is more of the limestone shelf that lines the shoreline and was discussed in the previous blog entry. This is on the other side of the peninsula and the waters are actually Green Bay (the bay, not the city!) in Lake Michigan.

     Bordering the bluff is one of dozens of orchards that inhabit the peninsula. As you can see, it is time for the cherries to arrive! All over in grocery stores and roadside attractions you can find cherries by the pint, quart, bucket, or pie. I have done my best to eat my share of this wonderful produce this season. I get a pint and eat them while watching TV. I must admit that I'm up to a couple of pints a week!!! Going to be a sad day when the season ends (or we have to leave, whichever comes first).

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