Wildwood Bayou 2016

Wildwood Bayou 2016

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Canoeing in the Ozarks

We have been on the go a lot since returning to Kansas, but we took some time out to troop out to the Ozarks with our friends Brenda and Geoff for a weekend canoe trip. We drove from Wichita to Springfield, MO where we met up with our friends. After a night’s stay, we set out for the Eleven Points River and the access point in Greer, MO. Here we unloaded all of the gear and then Geoff and I drove our vehicles to our planned exit point, near the town of Billmore (about a 40 minute drive away, but 38 miles via the river). Here we left Geoff’s truck and the canoe trailer for our return and we drove back to meet the ladies who were waiting for us at the put in point. 

    Here we have dropped the gear and are about to drive down to our planned exit point. 

    The put in point was sandy and made it very easy to get the canoes loaded.

    A loaded canoe and smooth water. It was a great day on the river. Unfortunately, both of us hit some rough spots and fast water later on and dumped the canoes. The gear got a little wetter than we had planned and the day was getting late, so we found a good campground and set up home. 

    Our weekend home. Notice everything drying on the line. 

    We even spread out around the fire and hoped that things would dry out a bit. Overnight the temps dipped to around 40 degrees and it was a bit chilly crawling out of the sleeping bag!

    The next morning warmed up nicely and Misty even began to enjoy the trip. You have to understand, she is NOT much of a water dog so even convincing her to get in the canoe was a major accomplishment!

    The scenery along the river was spectacular. In a couple of weeks, the fall colors will be in full force and the trees should be amazing. 

    We reached our second campsite in the early afternoon. It was warm and sunny and we were approaching the major rapids on the river (as marked on our maps). We decided to set up camp and get everything dried out before trying to dunk ourselves again. Also, the next marked campground was 10 miles down river and only a half mile from our put out point. No sense rushing things and ending too soon! So, we got everything dried out and took some time to explore the area around our campsite. We found a major feeder spring that looked like something out of Yellowstone. It was crystal clear and the deeper it went, the bluer the water. 

    This picture doesn’t do it any justice but it was a remarkable sight. 

    The next morning we awoke to 36 degrees! Luckily, the sun rose quickly and by the time we had our breakfast and loaded the canoes, it was warm and comfortable. We hit the rapids almost before we knew it and navigated them without incident. In fact, I think that we had rougher waters the day before. We saw deer in the river and came upon a bald eagle majestically surveying his territory. Paying us no heed, we slowed our canoes and took some pictures as we floated by. 

    Misty was really beginning to get used to this “canoeing” thing and relaxed enough to take a nap. It was pretty funny in fact, as Misty was snoring loud enough that Brenda could hear her from 30 yards away! She finally woke up in time for us to put out and load up. We had a great time and enjoyed getting out in the wilderness again. If only for a little while. 

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