Wildwood Bayou 2016

Wildwood Bayou 2016

Friday, October 7, 2011

New Blog, New Travels

   Welcome to the new "Brad & Barb" Blog. Hopefully, it should still have the same stories about our travels and lots of pictures for illustration and enjoyment as the old blog. We will see how this goes and it may change a bit over time as I get used to how things work in the world of Blogger. Please feel free to comment on the entries. We love to hear from everyone out there who are following our exploits. For now, we're hanging out in the Derby, KS area visiting with friends and family. Also getting some warranty work done on the coach since we have some time.

   By the way... I am in the process of moving all of the previous blog entries (hosted by MobileMe on the Apple servers) over to this Blogger site. (You can still see the previous postings in their original location, they will be supported by Apple until June 2012 then, I assume, they will disappear into cyberspace. )

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